Ways to Secure Your Business's Premises

There are a number of ways to ensure your business premises are as secure as they can be:-
  • Have the locks changed upon moving into the premises
  • Ensure there's an alarm system installed
  • Ensure data on your computers are securely stored
  • Install CCTV cameras in each room
  • Put valuables in a safe overnight
Have the locks changed upon moving into the premises
This is a straight-forward process if you own the property. Get a locksmith to change the locks to ensure any previous owners/tenants do not have access to the property. This is very important because the keys of a business premises may have been handled by literally hundreds of people. You have to assume that copies of these keys have been made. Only changing the locks will eliminate the chance of other people gaining access to your office via copied keys. If you are renting the property, request the landlord change the locks. This is a reasonable request for a tenant to make, and the landlord should oblige and help you here.

Ensure there's an alarm system installed
It's a basic requirement these days - have an alarm system fitted. It acts as much as a deterrant as anything else.

Ensure data on your computers are securely stored
Many people don't even consider data theft, but it's a huge problem these days. Data being stolen can give you business all kinds of problems : ransomware (where you're locked out of your computers, and have to pay a ransom to gain access again), passwords stolen, customer data stolen etc. You must have your office set up audited by an IT security expert to ensure your data is protected and cannot be breached by hackers.

Install CCTV cameras in each room
CCTV actually stops a lot of "inside jobs" - where staff steal company property. Of course, CCTV also helps identify burglars too. These cameras are as much preventative measures as anything else.

Put valuables in a safe overnight
Anything small and valuable that you use on a daily basis in the office could be stored in a safe overnight. It might seem a little bit inconvenient, but it's better safe (pun intended) than sorry, and you may even be able to reduce your business insurance costs by using a safe.

Article kindly provided by keyholekates.co.uk

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